Who knew there was so much to know about SCREWS?
Bird House Feeder
Birds have busy days, don’t they? All that flapping about and singing, laying eggs and migrating – it is exhausting, even before you count all the foraging and hunting for food!
Making a Den
You can make a den out of almost anything! Use what you have…
Mini Biscuit Houses
Ever wanted to live in a house made of biscuits? Now you can, or at least make one and eat one.
Healthy Cinnamon Biscuits
Tiikat loves eating biscuits at Tii-time. These easy biscuits are healthier than most biscuits.
Chocolate Igloo Cake
Brrr, it’s cold out there. Time to make an igloo! This igloo cake is purrfect for a special occasion.
Gingerbread Houses
A 3D gingerbread house can be very complicated, so this is a much easier way. They can also be hung onto a tree or around the house.
Chocolate Cornflake Nests
Chocolate nests are delicious and look great too! Purrfect homes for chocolate birds. They can be made with different cereal, such as Rice Krispies or broken up Shredded Wheat, too.
Loo Roll Castle
Imagine you could live in a castle! With this activity you can build your dream castle, on a smaller scale of course. We’re going to be building a luxurious castle from toilet roll tubes!
Flappy Fantasy Home
We are going to use all our skills as designers and architects and design our own dream home – with windows to see inside!
House Mask
Despite having such an important job, homes have long been left out of the world of mask making! Tiikat has decided enough is enough and it is high time we celebrate our homes by wearing them on our faces…
Fantasy Bird Room
Ever wondered what a bird’s room would look like? Not just a nest, a proper room! We’re going to build a mini living room for our favourite little bird friends right now so wonder no more.