Can one person change the world with their imagination? Waltzing whiskers that’s a big enough thought to keep me occupied into next week!
I have recently started keeping a journal about my travels on The Purrpoise. I am so excited to share it with you!
I am very busy whilst sailing the high seas, but there should be a new entry for you to read every two weeks.
If you have any questions or comments you can send a message to Tiikat@tiikat.com.
I would love to hear from you!
Can one person change the world with their imagination? Waltzing whiskers that’s a big enough thought to keep me occupied into next week!
My Journal… the start of it all… WOOSH, ZIP, ZOOM, POP, BANG!!! Goodness knows how many ideas and questions explode in my brain every day.
My Journal – An eventful day on the water. Walloping whiskers – that was an exciting afternoon! I couldn’t have picked a better day to start writing my journal, that’s for certain.
The glum has gone! It had taken over my brain far more than it deserved. For just a while I forgot all about the good things…
What a night full of crazy dreams! I meant to write an entry yesterday but I was so tired after an eventful day I fell asleep before I could start. I woke up full of energy: my mind full of ideas and an urge to explore.
Explore. Learn. Create.
@2020 Tiikat. All rights reserved.
Email: tiikat@tiikat.com
If you have any questions for Tiikat or any photos of activities you have done and would like to share, why not email them to Tiikat?
Email: info@tiikat.com